On Monday December 5th, Tamir Goodman spoke at a conference at the Marriott Hotel in Teaneck, NJ hosted by the Goodman Camping Initiative Think Tank, in conjunction with the Foundation for Jewish Camping and the iCenter. Tamir addressed senior educators from 13 Jewish camps across America about innovative ways for camps to incorporate Israel and Jewish education that speaks to their campers.
One tip from Tamir, “When discussing modern Israel with campers, it is a great tool to focus on positive current developments that are relevant to the camper’s interests and lives. For example, to spark a young basketball fan’s interest in learning more about Israel, try discussing how notable NBA players have been flocking to play in the Jewish State during the NBA strike. Not only does Israel have a very high level of play and rich culture, but Israel permitted NBA players’ contracts to include a clause that allowed them to return to play in the NBA if the strike was resolved, unlike others countries that did not allow players this option.
Next week Tamir will bring his innovative ideas to Chicago where he will be filming a DVD geared towards Jewish coaches. Stay tuned for details!